Party Pop-Up Performance,
Premiere, 2022, im KitKatClub Berlin
Konzept und Performance: Miriam Markl
You are sleepless because you have a question on your mind? You don't know how to move forward? NO NEED TO BE SLEEPLESS AND FROZEN ANYMORE!
Here is the magical, moving oracle for all the questions that are lying on your heart: My body as a clairvoyant channels all the answers trough dance! Dare to ask your question and let art reveal the answer to you.
Photo credits: Lys Y. Seng, Contre Jour
Self-concept: Starting point of my work is the body, which is not only a body, but with it all the prohibitions, secrets, impenetrabilities that a culture projects onto it.
In doing so, I challenge the organization and coding of bodies as well as the way we move in everyday, interpersonal and social situations and structures.