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Sag mir wie ich beginnen soll...


Gray Bordered High School Diploma Certif

During the performance "Sag mir wie ich beginnen soll ..." from January 11th to January 15th, 2021, I commited myself with ease and curiosity, to explore the boundaries between art and everyday life with the following actions:


Celebrate every mistake with a party horn

Morning walk (smile and collect garbage)


Clueless explore the world around me with my fingertips

One Artwork a day




Programin detail and do-it-yourself instructions:


Celebrate every mistake with a party horn

Reason: practicing not being perfect and accepting mistakes and weaknesses

Do it yourself: make or get yourself a party horn that makes you laugh when you use it. Set yourself a time frame for the action. Whenever you make a mistake, blow in your party horn and celebrate the mistake like there's no tomorrow. Document the performance with selfies from each mistake celebration.

Smile and collect rubbish morning walk

Reason: Smiling and collecting rubbish were the No. 1 responses to the question of how to start to make this world a better place.

Seems like these are the top activities to get your karma back into balance.

Do it yourself: plan a walking route. Take gloves and bags with you to collect the trash. Walk the route, collect all rubbish you find and smile (as authentically as possible) at every person you meet.

Then dispose of the garbage properly. Keep a particularly beautiful piece of trash, wash it and paint it green.

Greenwash garbage and transform it from garbage to art.


!! Join me !! -> guided mediation for you to listen to.












Explore clueless the world around me

with my fingertips

I spend the average time I usually spend on my smartphone, exploring the real world around me. Afterwords documenting experiences and impressions thorugh writing.

Do it yourself: Find out how long you use your smartphone each day. (weekly report !!)

Find different places around you: Urban, rural, supermarket ... Go there and explore these places intuitively with all your senses. Write down your experiences and thoughts afterwards.

Daily special artwork (one instant composition premiere per day)

Reason: processing my experiences of the day as well as the artistic examination of:

  • Overcoming the need for more

  • Car-free city centers

  • order a coffee from Swedish

  • Jump into a puddle so that it splatters

  • Bee deaths

  • Become part of something much bigger

Art + activism = everyday life?

Everyday life + activism = art?

Art + everyday life = activism?


Do it yourself: Find a topic that is too big to solve on your own. Engage with the topic, read and listen, talk about it with friends and strangers. Wonder how you would make art about it? What should your work look like? How should it sound? How does it feel? What colors is it? ...



Morning walk, collecting rubbish and smiling : In conversations with many different people, I noticed that grievances are noticed and these can be named. Some are able to complain for hours and name the guilty. However, nobody was able to suggest solutions to me. I think it might be helpful to think and act in a solution-oriented manner instead of problem-oriented.


Explore the world around me with my fingertips : the diversity of nature, different substrates, water, earth, concrete, stubborn reeds. Discovering and exploring inspires, is fun and gives energy.

Whoever goes out is rewarded. If you live your life as an artificial avatar, you miss the magic on your doorstep.

One Artwork a day: Each video is an instant composition that was produced within these 5 days. They spontaneously process my experiences of the day as well as suggestions from the audience "Wie ich beginnensoll ..." such as "Look and listen - to help the refugees" or "Give away seeds from native plants". A virtual image of the now that can be repeated forever.

Error celebrations: Every mistake that is recognized and revised is actually no longer a mistake. It becomes a detour and a learning process.

Every mistake I couldn't make up for but noticed was at least a learning curve. I come to the conclusion: There are no mistakes at all, only detours and learning processes.

Likes: 469

Video clicks within the 5 days: 720

I received a lot of messages from people outside of my "artist pale". Therefore, I think that this performance also succeeded in reaching audiences that otherwise have little contact with contemporary performance art.


Thank you for all of your thoughts, suggestions, comments, for following and watching.

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