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Dancing the exhibition

Dance Improvisation Workshop in exhibition by

"Vom Festhalten und Loslassen"  by Barbara Guthy und Soana Schueler. Guided by Miriam Markl und Amelia Eisen

13. April 11:30-13:30



Kunsthaus Frankenthal

Mina-Karcher-Platz 42a

67227 Frankenthal


Price: 40€ - 80€ sliding scale


Open for all levels





Registration via e-email to:

In this dance improvisation workshop, we will explore a variety of methods to perceive and experience visual art through the medium of dance. Collectively we will seek answers to the questions: How do we perceive art? How does our perspective change our observations? What movements are inspired by the works? What new insights and experiences can we gain by engaging with the exhibited works through dance?


Under the guidance of dancer, choreographer and movement artist Miriam Markl, participants will immerse themselves in the world of embodied art interpretation and are invited to connect with the artworks on display in the Vulcano exhibition through dance. By interweaving movement and observation, we create a deeper understanding of the works through playful explorations and guided improvisation tasks, generating a personal connection and learning ways of perception and interpretation that go beyond traditional methods of viewing art. The focus is on perception and free dance expression in response to the exhibited works. 


Join us for a dynamic exploration that crosses traditional boundaries and opens the doors to future approaches to perceiving art.


No previous dance experience is required - this workshop is open to anyone who wants to playfully experience how we can be moved by visual art.

Saturday, April 13th, 2024  11:30-14:30

Price: 40€ - 80€ sliding scale


Open for all levels

Register for the workshop

Vielen Dank für deine Anmeldung!

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